"White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19..." 1,288 "public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders" in an "Open letter advocating for an anti-racist public health response to demonstrations against systemic injustice occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic" Of course George Floyd had COVID too.  But this was... Continue Reading →


"It makes a white man cringe that the greatest man ever born is BLACK! He's so great that a bunch of white people from all over the world decided to make he's birthday an internationally celebrated day... You will hear about Nelson till you die." Samantha Colee As many are aware, the world has been... Continue Reading →


"Today's liberal intellectuals, who pride themselves on scientific method and being 'broadminded', are the most narrow-minded, self-righteous and hate-filled bigots in the history of humanity. No primitive tribe worshipping with its witch-doctor was ever more vicious in its hatred and suppression of heretics than today's Marxist intellectuals, anti-racists and liberals."    - George Lincoln Rockwell... Continue Reading →


"I recognize the manifestation of undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life." Qabbalistic Tarot affirmation Associate Director of the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women (at least she was when she stated the following) referred to privilege, specifically "White male privilege" as "an invisible package of unearned assets.." The general belief around... Continue Reading →


“Here’s my take on it. Equality does not exist – because the universe has no need for it. The only thing that we all have in equal measure and of equal value is our state of aliveness. That aliveness brings a unique opening for growth as spirit descends temporarily into matter. On this expedition, the... Continue Reading →


“Equality is one of the primary ideological tactics that Empire uses to maintain control in the modern era. The practical application of equality dissuades people from the revolutionary business of true personal liberation. It shuts down inner unfoldment and concentrates day-to-day thinking and activities on outside distractions. It keeps people on the hamster wheel. Here’s... Continue Reading →


Many across the nation have been in a state of protest over the past few months regarding the case of Mike Brown and Darren Wilson. This state was intensified after the grand jury finding of Darren Wilson not needing to be indicted last week. I have been watching this whole drama being played out and... Continue Reading →

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